01 May 2024

Support for Canberrans, during lockdown- What is available?
20 August 2021
The total ACT Government funding for Canberrans sits around $910,000.
With 94 active cases in Canberra, as of 20th August 2021, the ACT Government is providing additional support to Canberrans who need it. If you or anyone you know needs support, reach out to community services organisations or write to us at info@cmsradio.org.au and we can help you find appropriate support.
For those who have lost income due to the current lockdown, check if you are eligible to receive COVID-19 Disaster Payment.
The ACT government will be funding existing mental health supports, crisis and emergency supports, including domestic and family violence support, and also amp up funding for emergency food relief. VolunteeringACT has already been provided with financial support to provide food and essential items to Canberra families.
Speaking of support services during the lockdown period, Minister responsible for Community Recovery and Emergency Relief Emma Davidson has made a statement.
“These measures will support positive outcomes for our mental health and wellbeing. Lockdown can be incredibly challenging and present a number of social and physical barriers for people, particularly Canberrans with disability, Older Canberrans and people experiencing financial hardship. We are all in this together and through these services, more people who are finding lockdown challenging will have greater access to support, items and services”
-Minister Emma Davidson
The government is also urging landlords and tenants to work together to manage rent payments, for those who have lost income due to and during this lockdown period. The ACT Government also funds the Tenants’ Advice Service provided by Legal Aid ACT. Tenants can call their advice line on 1300 402 512 or go to their website to access legal advice.