06 August 2024

COVID-19 Brings New Resources for Broadcasters!
20 April 2020
The world is thrust into uncertain times with the COVID-19 crisis and our resilience as a community and as a radio station is being tested. However, our dedicated broadcasters are still recording programs from home, with microphones, iPhones and Zoom recorders. Overnight, broadcasters have learnt to record and edit content at home so the station can keep going and our multicultural community, here in Canberra, is being served.
Community media and ethnic programming is essential more so in times of social isolation, because the community is looking to belong and feel less isolated. Many of our listeners are also older and therefore more vulnerable to the virus. In times such as these, it is also our responsibility as community broadcasters to ensure we are providing the most accurate information. This post is a compilation of content and recording related resources. We will keep updating this post to add more information.
First, we have compiled a brief list of podcasts that extensively cover the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Broadcasters can listen to these podcasts to fact check the content on the COVID-19. All of these podcasts are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts and many other podcast apps. Most podcast apps are free to use and quite easy to navigate.
Coronacast is a podcast that helps to answer your questions about coronavirus or COVID19. We break down the latest news and research to help you understand how the world is living through an epidemic.
Full Story- Coronavirus updates by The Guardian Australia
Full story is Guardian Australia’s new podcast where we tell you about the news that matters. Each episode host Laura Murphy-Oates speaks to a Guardian journalist and explores one story, so that you can find out where it really started, what happened and what it means for you.
Evidence-based explanations of the coronavirus crisis, from how it started to how it might end to how to protect yourself and others.
The Economist for international coverage
Sound reasoning on current affairs, business and finance, science and technology, and global issues
Second, please find below some links to webinars and articles around recording, editing content at home and other related topics.
CBAA & CMTO Webinar- Creating Content Remotely: In this session, the presenters have looked at:
⦿ Creating content using the Drop-In Method
⦿ Mixing down your programming
⦿ Sending content to your station
⦿ The equipment and software you’ll need to create content remotely
Also find attached with this post, A Guide to Recording Your Program at Home, brought to you by CMTO and vetted by CMS’ Technology Manager.
AFTRS online courses (Paid): Australian Film Television and Radio School provides a range of online short courses around video production, podcasting and radio fundamentals.
Jacobs Media: Jacobs Media Strategies has many interesting webinars regarding general broadcasting and how to stay live and current on the radio. Check out their webinar- Digital Tricks to Help Radio DJs Sound Live and Local (Webinar Recording)
Radio.co: Here is another article that shows how you can edit your recording from home.
That is all for now, as and when we come across new resources, we will keep updating this list. Meanwhile, join the CMS Facebook Group for more information.
All the information provided here is sourced externally and links have been provided for verification. CMS does not own any of these resources and has merely compiled this list, and does not earn any fee for promoting these resources.